Plant needs change as days shorten and the weather cools.
Change Your Turf Programs For Short Days & Cool Weather
Posted in Fall Turf Maintenance, General by Curtis Williams
By: DALE MILLER, AmeriTurf Agronomist
It feels like winter in most areas and where it’s not, the cooler weather isn’t far away.
There are a few things that are very important in grass maintenance and health that are absolute this time of year whether the temperatures are cold, cool or warm. Day length is getting shorter and shorter.
This puts a very high premium on shady areas and cloudy days relative to lesser turf quality.
Photosynthesis is absolutely critical to plants and optimal day lengths are well known across the country. We are no longer in that window anywhere.
This decline in day length, photo period creates metabolic challenges for the plant and increases incidence of disease, wear intolerance, thinning of turf, color loss and general lower quality turf.
Cultural practices need to move to much less aggressive, verticutting becomes grooming, grooming becomes brushing. Topdressing frequency should remain the same, but the quantity of sand should be reduced. You don’t want to create any further shade issues.
For thinning turf where Algae is starting to form, there is no better product than Prontech for control and management….this has the additional benefit of disease management so it’s a great product option during winter months.
For turf response, use of Nitrate based Nitrogen is now required. Ammonium Sulfate, Urea or SRN sources will not be helpful this time of year.
Consider Potassium Nitrate at light frequent rates to improve Potassium levels in the plant for winter hardiness, hardening off as well as low inputs of immediately available Nitrogen. Magnesium Nitrate is another exceptional option this time of year as it will supply additional color and photosynthetic benefits.
AmeriTurf has several excellent Nitrate Nitrogen-based products that can be used effectively in the winter months.
Another exceptional Nitrogen option for those who are on Carbon-based inputs is Amino Acid. Amino Acids by definition are C, H, O, N molecules which can have additional elements attached such as Magnesium. As Amino Acids are quickly available and usable, they are excellent winter options in programs.
Products like Rx Supreme, Component Core, Pennemin, STS Solu Amino, and STS Photo-Boost will be exceptional options in the winter months and should be part of every spray program.
Additional emphasis needs to be placed on Micronutrients and Magnesium in winter months to help with color and plant metabolism. If these are included with Amino Acid products the uptake and benefit can be exceptional in cool weather.
Rx Micro, Component M, Pennemin, Solu Amino, Photo-Boost, Rx Mg and a few more options will help supply very good color and response, even in cool weather.
For acreage applications, use of Ruckus plus Fairway N will enhance exceptional color, carbohydrate and nutritional support as the weather allows.
Remember in winter months, applications made when air temperatures are below 50 degrees will be far less effective than when the temperature is above 60 degrees at time of spray.
Also remember it is far better to spray when temperatures are above 50 degrees in split-day applications than to get any holes sprayed in sub-50 degree temperatures.
The products discussed will provide necessary and beneficial carbohydrates as the gas tank is depleted during the winter months.
Please contact your AmeriTurf Sales Consultant or Agronomist for additional information and support.