Potassium is a critical component of late summer maintenance.
As Summer Fades, Shift To Best Fall Practices
Posted in Best Turf Management Practices, Summer Turf Management by Curtis Williams
By DALE MILLER, National Agronomist
Summer is rolling to an end.
Depending on actual location, summer has already begun to loosen its grasp on us. Days are getting shorter, and though temps are still up, the intensity of the sun is lessening every day.
For those who are planning early fall aerification and cultural events, we are not far away. Do not be as aggressive as the spring and make sure the Nitrogen used is not so much that you promote excess growth. Excess late summer/fall growth promotes too much leaf at the expense of roots and storage of carbohydrates.
Just use enough Nitrogen to close the holes and a few tricks the industry has at your disposal like Agra Rouse and OxyCal. Both products stimulate growth and recovery but don’t do it at the expense of root mass and storage.
These combined with solid Potassium sources, such as Comp K, Rx K+, Pure K+, Foliar K and Perfect K and High K, are options that provide Potassium with the added benefit of soluble Carbon for additional uptake, plant benefit and microbial stimulation. All are exceptional high efficiency, low loss K sources.
For more soluble and higher acreage applications such as fairways, use of Potassium Carbonate or Potassium Thiosulfate will provide excellent Potassium benefits that is efficient and cost effective enough and still efficient enough for acreage inputs.
For continual Potassium support, we recommend the use of DCM 2-0-20, K-Mix granular. This product at 200lb/ac will provide consistent Potassium support for a full four-month period in all soil types.
DCM has the best and most consistent granular options in the business and should be considered an excellent soil support option in fertility programs.
All the products suggested will provide excellent results and have been used extensively throughout the year and in the past, so use confidently and secure the hardening off of the plant this winter.
As a reminder to the annual discussions, this is the time of year when plant response begins to slow and the plant goes into full storage mode. The summer solstice is the trigger but the early fall is the time when this is most evident. Leaf production is beginning to slow and will continue up to first frost.
This is the best time of the year to start into full carbohydrate management programs, accomplished primarily by reducing Nitrogen inputs to only what is required to maintain appropriate growth and recovery.
Use of Agra Rouse and Oxy Cal, as mentioned previously, should be the go-to options for stimulation, not added Nitrogen.
Use of more and more soluble carbon products should be part of the game plan starting in September and be in full swing by October.
This means shifting programs to more Amino Acid based options and where Nitrogen is used, start to move to Nitrate. This time of year, Potassium Nitrate is an excellent option as it carries a soluble and beneficial Potassium component. During the winter when color is more difficult to maintain, switch your Nitrogen source to Magnesium Nitrate as there will be a bit of growth but significant color response.
We have multiple options within the companies we support that have excellent high Amino Acid products.
STS Turf and the fermentation options will provide excellent benefits. Photo Boost, Empruv, Solu Amino being key products in that line with the Pure K and Foliar K mentioned earlier.
Redox has Rx K+ which is superior P/K option plus the added benefit of Phenolic Compound stimulation, the plants strongest self-defense mechanism.
Performance Nutrition has options like Perfect K and High K – both Amino Acid based technology and excellent options this time of year into winter.
In the Green Industries line, the Component K is a solid carbon based, product for optimal Potassium support.
DCM has the 2-0-20 K mix for those who prefer granular inputs over liquid or in support of liquid options.
Any of these or combinations will provide the highest level of Potassium support and carbohydrate building over the next few months.
Discuss these Potassium sources and Amino Acid options with your AmeriTurf Consultant or Agronomist and make sure your plant is well supplied this fall and winter with superior carbohydrate and Potassium options inside your cool season fertility programs.