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DCM K-MixDCMFertilizer Sod Granular Label | SDS
DCM Micro-MixDCMFertilizer Granular Label | SDS
DCM MINIGRAN Eco-Sol 1DCMFertilizer Sod Granular Label | SDS
DCM Mix 1 18-0-7DCMFertilizer Granular Label | SDS
DCM Mix 2 14-4-7DCMFertilizer Sod Granular Label | SDS
DCM Mix 3 9-0-9DCMFertilizer Granular Label | SDS
DCM P-MixDCMFertilizer Sod Granular Label | SDS
DCM PN-MixDCMFertilizer Sod Granular Label | SDS
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Products You Can Believe In

We value every relationship with our customers, so each product we offer has to match the trust placed in our team.

The fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other growth and control products we provide has been chosen for its ability to solve the real world problems faced by golf course superintendents, sports field managers and turf producers.

You can be assured of high quality, proven products and reliable recommendations from the AmeriTurf team of professionals.

Each golf course and sports field is unique, and we’re here to help you find the right combination of products to achieve your goals. Contact your AmeriTurf Representative for a customized program that meets your needs and budget.

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